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shitting your pants and then walking around and denying that you shit your pants even though everyone can clearly tell that you shit your pants, and if anyone accuses you of shitting your pants, you tell them that in fact THEY shit your pants and that this part of some conspiracy against you to fill your pants with shit even though you're simultaneously claiming that there is in fact no shit in your pants. Then, out of misplaced loyalty, about 1/3rd of people convince themselves that somehow you're not obviously lying to everyone and so you then tell these foolish people that it's actually chocolate in your pants and then make them eat your shit in front of you

Person one: what the fuck is that smell?
Person two: ugh somebody's trumping

by J-coke da killa March 4, 2019

138๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Answering a question with anything that is in your head other than the question asked.

I asked his opinion on media bias in politics, and he started trumping about gays in Hollywood.

by lughat October 10, 2016

381๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


Making a claim or offering an opinion on a subject for which you have absolutely no experience or knowledge; Talking out of your ass; Derived from the surname Trump for obvious reasons. Always capitalized to distinguish from the homonym trumping.

-"I hate my brother-in-law . All day long he's Trumping online about economic injustice and he drives a fucking Bentley!"

by mrmrmonkeynibbs August 14, 2015

562๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž


Whereby all words spoken sound just like farts being unleashed. It is often seen in those who enjoy speaking for the sake of hearing their own voices; those who use superfluous words for the sake of using them, are also accused often of trumping.

Teddy sure is trumping tonight. Man, I just don't know what he's on about.

by GushingForth November 17, 2016

485๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a demagogue uses hyperbole at nauseum; to grandstand in an all talk no plan fashion.

That self absorbed guy on TV with the bad hair piece sounds like a broken record when he keeps repeating the same inflammatory things. He needs to stop trumping.

by RawkScreamer October 29, 2015

389๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (v) - to deny that you said something in the past even though you have, in fact, said it many times before.

2. (v) - to completely change your previously-held opinion on something, especially when said something affects you.

Person #1: HA! You've been saying the Bears would beat the Packers all week, and look what happened! You lost!

Person #2: Nope. I never said that.

Person #1: Oh, are you Trumping with me now, man? You've said it 50 times!


Donald Trump stated back in 2012 that the Electoral College was a disaster for America and that it should be changed, but he sure loved it when it helped him win the election in 2016. Classic Trumping.

by OfThisGeneration December 6, 2016

598๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of posting on Twitter while taking a dump.

I just saw my ex in the bar so now I'm trumping in the ladies room hoping he will leave soon!

by Gohogsgirl January 13, 2017

132๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž