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Traffic circle

A roadway intersection where the roads don't directly cross (like at a stoplight) but enter/exit on a circular road. When well designed it is very superior to a normal intersection, but prone to confuse people who learned to drive in a place without them. Poorly designed or outdated they are a recipe for disaster.

If you live in New Jersey, but don't know what a traffic circle is, you're living an unbelievably sheltered life.

When correctly designed, you should always yield when entering the circle, but never when in the circle.

by LurKer September 1, 2012

Traffic Circle Jerks

One who goes around a traffic circle or round about. To piss of other drivers because people going in must yield to the people going around. Being one can be quite fun, but being a victim is very annoying. Other drivers will sometimes join in on the traffic circle jerking.

Traffic Circle Jerks

Hey lets traffic circle jerk man.

Yea man let piss off the people yielding.
Person who is yielding:
Would you look at this asshole.

by ARealCoolCat September 10, 2011