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Transhumanist States of America

The Transhumanist States of America, shortened as H+SA, is a fictional country where the Transhumanist Party US takes power in the USA and turn the USA into a transhumanist country. The Transhumanist States of America are characterized by being a classical transhumanist country, despite with some elements of quantumism, technoquantumism, spiritualicism, extraphysicism and post-spacetimeism, where quantumism and technoquantumism are for the ones who doesn't want to become cyborgs nor androids but quantum beings and spiritualicism, extraphysicism and post-spacetimeism are heavily controlled and restricted only for technological-scientific research and for spiritual purposes with a libertarian economy and with state atheism, despite allowing spiritualicism, post-spacetimeism, psionicism, extraphysicism, divinialism and esoteric soulism but all of them being heavily regulated and restricted such as spiritual beliefs and religion are also restricted and regulated.

"Despite it's unlikely that the Transhumanist Party win the next elections, it's nice to think about the Transhumanist States of America to imagine how a transhumanist country would be like in practice."

by Full Monteirism June 6, 2021