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A word used by 2013 hispsters to describe themselves because hispter is too mainstream.

" I hate when people call me hispter, it's so cliche. I'm just trendy"

by WuTangClantkf July 16, 2013

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a person that follows a trend and has no brain

"trendie scum"
"hahaha look its a trendie"

by danny December 10, 2003

55πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A scourge which is arriving, in Britain anyway, not sure about other places...

Trendies are, on the surface, the "cool" people in their 20's, your stereotypical student, clean, almost "grown up" looking youths.

However in reality most are incredibly conceited, IMMATURE, arrogant, personality devoid, and nasty people, who are ridiculously cold to "ousiders".

With music and fashion they are infinitely malleable. They positively lap up the music MTV and NME Magazine dictates to them to like, however unlike the mallcore crowd, they do this activity shamelessly, and in the case of fashion, they wear what ghastly womens magazines/"lads mags" say is "hot" or simply what celebs (celebrities) like to wear, the latter are worshipped, especially if they tie-in with sport or the most popular television shows, the trendy will regurgitate the stupidest catchphrase from the stupidest show ad nauseum, until it's uncool to do so of course...

Quite possibly the most narrow minded group of people, and absolutely adamant about not letting others into their circles of friends, they'd rather be seen dead than seen being friends with someone with an "uncool" haircut, unless you match them exactly, trying to start a convo with one will be met with silence, blatent ignoring. This is contrasting to the crowd of trendies, which are, in most cases, as rowdy as they come. Although they rarely resort to physical violence the trendy has nothing but contempt for anyone out of the "norm", shouts to strangers who look different will usually be hilariously innaccurate, for example, calling people who wear heavy metal shirts, "goths".

A trendy is a walking set of contradicting philosophies which have been melded together by the media, the biggest contradiction of them all is thinking they are incredibly urbane and "grown up" when in fact they listen to pop music aimed at teenyboppers and, even worse, holding onto this attitude of "we are the cool kids and you are all sad geeks" into ages as ridiculous as their late 20's, something that most people outgrew before reaching teenagehood.

Everything which the masses like becomes part of every trendies outlook and philosophy, a trait they share with the poser, only instead of trying to get into a local clique or copying an idol they wish to be what they are dictated to be, along with the ever present arrogant-obnoxious personality, as someone said, they are quite possibly the shallowest herd there is, if it became "cool" to wear shit-streaked underpants on our head, the trendy would do this without even thinking about it.

Metalhead is 5 years or so younger than Trendy:

Trendy: Metal all sounds the same! I listen to decent bands like The Arctic Monkeys, The Fratellis...
Metalhead: No offence dude but I think that about the sort of bands you listen to, maybe I don't have an ear for that type of music, fair enough, I just know that metal like Korpiklaani and Freedom Call sound slightly different from TestAmenT and Razor to me...
Trendy: Whatever, you listen to your shitty shouting satan music then, the only good metal is System of a down.
Metalhead: They're ok, but they aren't metal.
Trendy: LOLOLOLOL!1 I bet <bands most well known song> is heavier than any of your... TestAmenT whatever... hahaha
*Trendy walks away*
Metalhead: *to self trying not to laugh* God... Trendies...

Trendy Girl: You should wear this.
Non-Trendy Guy: Why?
Trendy Girl: Because it would look hot.
Non-Trendy Guy: So, I should wear clothes I personally HATE, simply to be attractive to the opposite sex? How stupid...
*Trendy Girl tries to process the fact people can wear clothes THEY want to, fails, and walks off, her natural trendy instinct of getting away from the "loser" kicking in*

Trendy: Look at that idiot, his shirt looks so gay, who the fuck would wear a pink shirt?
*fast forward to when they are popular*
Trendy: *wearing a pink shirt like everyone else* Look at my shirt, it's "sick"... Pretty cool how I started the whole wearing pink thing around here.
*an arguement starts over who started it, the person they took the piss out of before would be conviniently forgotton. Also goes for bands they took the piss out of when not popular.(Trendies are the inheriters of Orwell's Doublethink)*

^ Above are practically real examples, sadly.

by PsychoFox May 11, 2007

378πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž


-Power in Numbers-once people start seeing it, it becomes more wearable to a mainstream audience but then on the reverse, as weird goth people start seeing it on more people, it becomes a β€˜conformism’ and they start chasing new extreme fashions (mainly from America, and odd European Countries and their old fashions i.e Leather boots and cast iron objects) and the first fashion continues to become more and more mainstream through the mcjb theory consisting of 3 parts:

1. Models start wearing them but still to extreme to main audience

2.β€˜Out there soft core punk chicks’ who have normal boyfriends who just like a little bit of β€˜punk’ in their worthless lives (cough Good Charlotte) begin wearing these clothes they have seen on β€˜kerazy’ fashion shows and magazines.

3.Due to the punk chicks getting β€˜hot’ boyfriends because of this β€˜spunk’ the normal girls start to wear these clothes based on jealousy, hereby displaying an increasing power of numbers theory (An item becomes more accepted and less β€œtrendy” as more people start wearing it, as the numbers wearing the product increases, its trendiness somewhat decreases).

-Conclusion: In conclusion a β€˜trendy’ object starts out being weird until it is picked up by a fashionable source consisting of models, stars and fashion labels further endorsing the product that is β€˜trendy’ into the mainstream.

"wow I only saw that on freakish Goth people before but now a hot chick is wearing it, its trendy! can I pull it off?"

by Mc/Jb August 11, 2006

140πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


A 'teenage tribe' of Britain.They're not townies nor sk8ers,but:

1.Celebrity obsessed shitholes who read OK magazine and other such crap.

2.The males tend to read FHM and worship bimbo sluts like Jordan!

3.They are driven by mainstream,popular culture and only relate to those who watch soaps and other such crap(eg Footballers' Wives).

4.They love shit pop or dance music!

5.The male dress code:Denim,loose,hanging shirts and styled hair.Females:Denim and anything with a designer logo.

I fucking hate them-total scum of society!

We're dressed like shots and then we fuck each other!

by Nite September 7, 2003

146πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


A sheep. A person without any self-identification or thoughts of her own. A person who does what the crowd is doing, out of insecurity and immaturity. A person who looks like everyone else because of an immature fear of being himself.

When you interview people for this job, be sure to weed out all the trendy people. I want someone who will work, not look in the mirror all day.

by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005

75πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


adj. Following the crowd, just like a mindless sheep.

noun. A mindless sheep who follows the crowd. Never, ever thinks. Never strives to be a unique individual. Someone who is not a leader, but a follower.

It's trendy to get a tattoo, so Lisa got a tattoo. It's trendy to eat deep fried Twinkies, so Mona eats deep fried Twinkies. It's trendy to become a poofter, so Lennie decided to become a poofter. It's trendy for effeminate guys to drive chick cars, so Brian drives a chick car. All of these people are trendy.

by Tuna Wanda May 28, 2005

158πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž