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Not ur usual type of person. Will most likely punch ur face when u misspell her name as "Krishna". she/he savage and she/he knows it ;)

Find urself a Trishna, oh no u can't.

by Sarangeopseo November 23, 2021

7šŸ‘ 1šŸ‘Ž


SHE is the greatest thing to grace this earth. Nothing cuter, smarter, and more caring than a Trishna. Meeting a Trishna will result in your life being changed for the best. Dating one will result in you being the luckiest person alive.

Man I met this girl named Trishna last night, I think Iā€™m in love.

by PostyDyloney November 23, 2021

4šŸ‘ 2šŸ‘Ž


1. Soul killer, preferably male.

"When I talked to him, I felt like such a Trishna because he sent me a text message saying that he would wake up tomorrow a soul-less man, incapable of love."

by Ellen Seay December 3, 2007

38šŸ‘ 132šŸ‘Ž


Trishna is a boomer.

Trishna: *exists*

Me: Boomer

by California Santa December 24, 2019

7šŸ‘ 20šŸ‘Ž


a trishna is a great dude who loves NO IONE because she is too cool for school cool as a cumcumber

someone- you know trishna?
person- ya shes awesme and cool and a great dude and has nuce abs

by axaxtxzxtxa March 14, 2023