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Tropical Storm

when multiple people take off their du rags at the same time

Travon, Darquine and Jah all just took off their du rags at once and they waves clean this is going to be a Tropical Storm

by Travongotswag January 11, 2019

Tropical Storm

First invented in the lovely town of Drexel Hill, PA, the Tropical Storm is a delicious drink which can be made with a Hurricane 40 and some orange juice (with or without pulp). Begin by "drinking to the label" aka drink the malt liqour until it is even with the top of the label on the bottle. Then proceed to fill the rest of the bottle with orange juice. Enjoy a tropical storm with your friends at a party- it doesn't even taste like malt liquor!

Me: I just had a horrible week.
You: Drink a Tropical Storm. That will cheer you up!
Me: Wow, thanks! You were right.

by MollyEAP February 3, 2007

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Tropical Storm

First invented in the lovely town of Blue Bell, PA (Home of Gerald Henderson, Ryan Howard, Thadeus Young etc.), the Tropical Storm is a delicious drink which can be made with a Hurricane 40 and some orange juice (with or without pulp). Begin by "drinking to the label" aka drink the malt liqour until it is even with the top of the label on the bottle(BAWSE). Then proceed to fill the rest of the bottle with orange juice. Enjoy a tropical storm with your friends at a party- it doesn't even taste like malt liquor!

three spunks on foty 5 minutes wait what Tropical storm

by the daddy sjp June 3, 2009

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tropical storm

the act of shitting, puking, pissing, and ejaculating on a single person at the same time. done by multiple people

i was attacked by a tropical storm at the party last night

by obe cmonboneme December 13, 2008

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Tropical Storm Odette

On September 11, the NHC began monitoring an area of low pressure over the southeastern Bahamas. At 21:00 UTC on September 17, advisories were initated on Tropical Storm Odette.208 Soon afterward, the storm began an extratropical transition. During this process, its deep convection was consistently displaced well to the east of a poorly-defined center due to strong westerly wind shear. The system's circulation was elongated from southwest to northeast and contained multiple low-cloud swirls. Odette completed extratropical transition late the following day, becoming a post-tropical cyclone. After degenerating into a non-tropical low pressure system, the remnants of Odette drifted into the northern Atlantic on September 19, producing gale-force winds. Afterward, Odette's remnants continued moving out into the Atlantic, moving northeastward, before turning southward, and then curving northward and westward. During this time, the NHC monitored Odette's remnants for the potential to redevelop into a subtropical or tropical cyclone, with the NHC increasing Odette's chances of redevelopment to 60% on September 23. However, on September 24, most of the system's convection dissipated, while the system turned eastward yet again, and with conditions growing increasingly hostile, the NHC downgraded Odette's chances of redevelopment to 0%.

"Tropical Storm Odette looks like shit

by Col598 September 26, 2021

Tropical Storm Tuchas

Astoundingly severe diarrhea, usually induced by tainted food/ water at a tropical destination.

"Our vacation in the Domincan Republic was okay, but Tropical Storm Tuchas blew in and totally fucked our week up."

by Ash and Jan June 22, 2006

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Tropical Storm Taco Orgasim

When you put olive oil on a flour tortilla, wrap it around your penis and go outside in a 40 mph ttropical storm wind and turn sideways to the wind. The wind will cause the tortilla to spin fast around your cock creating a Tropical Storm Taco Orgasim. If u do not orgasim you can go inside to your better half still wrapped. Your better half can then give you a Taco blowjob.

Hey Chickenbag and Jerrycurl, we got a break, the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm. Lets get the olive oil and flour tortillas , go outside and get a Tropical Storm Taco Orgasim!

by SJL123 August 2, 2020

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