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Troy NY

Troy is well known for its many over populated housing projects infested with cockroaches & welfare momma's. Many of its homeless are ex stock brokers, reality TV stars, Politicians, & famous rap artist for the 90's. They live as urban nomads in the city parks cooking pigeon stew & holding gypsy carnivals that mainly consist of oral sex booths & rat clubbing. There is an epidemic of Urban Hillbillies that populate the city. Leading to many spontaneous house fires from their meth labs & moonshine kilns exploding. Incest & brutality towards woman are not only encouraged but celebrated in Troy by its 'Kiss your sweetie with your fist day' dances usually held in the streets & funded entirely by food stamps. Known as the birthplace of both the AIDS Virus & Uncle Sam, the city offers nothing for tourism other than connecting the herpes sores on dead hookers mouths with a marker as you stumble across their corpses trying to flee the city & stopping to see the midget Puerto Ricans with Dragon Ball Z cartoon character hair working at the Peebles on Hoosick st. for a seminar about the basics of living off welfare momma's and being a confidental police informant. English is not their primary language. They speak a muttered combination of Spanish, Ebonics, & incomprehensible groans & grunts. Be advised to bring extra money if interested in purchasing children for sexual slavery since the residents will usual bombard outsiders with such proposals.

Guy: Hey, where you from?
Girl: Troy NY, Don't ask me to spell it.
Guy: I thought I smelt a spic fart
Girl: Little do you know that smells coming from my twat not my asshole, ASSHOLE!

by SouthTroyCore January 16, 2014

44πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Troy, NY

A city of the eastern bank of the Hudson River in Upstate NY. It was first settled by the Dutch in the 1600's. A local butcher and meat-packer named Samuel Wilson supplied the military, and, according to an unprovable legend, barrels stamped "U.S." were jokingly taken by the troops to stand for "Uncle Sam" meaning Wilson. Troy has since claimed to be the historical home of Uncle Sam. During the 19th and early 20th centuries Troy was not only one of the most prosperous cities in the state but one of the most in the country. It was an epicenter for the steel industry and trading along the Hudson. Despite Troy's early success it is now a city in a state of delapidation. Now it is home to welfare recipients, criminals, and few from its hardworking past. Another industrial city that bit the dust!

I am from Troy, NY

by sgt g March 12, 2009

40πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Peebles Department Store (Troy NY)

Peebles is a department store located in the Hoosick St. Plaza of Troy NY. Known as a company that once attempted to be known as 'Peoples', but had to change it to Peebles because of the way their entirely Hispanic and Mentally Challenged work force pronounced the name. The first major department store chain to recommend you wash the clothing you purchased from their store before wearing to avoid become infested with Puerto Rican Fleas that has transferred from their employees and woven its way deep within the fabric of their garments. Peebles is a proud employer of Confidential Police Informants, child rapist, child pornographers, the illiterate, low level but active criminals, and of course those who reek like a broken Taco Bell toilet. Hence all of the Puerto Ricans. Many Puerto Rican employee's sell Marijuanna to the underaged children of customers in order to support their Crack addiction and leave large foul bowel movements on the floor because they have never seen a real toilet and as a result are to developmentally delayed in their potty training, but will adamantly deny this true fact out of embarrassment if ever confronted.

John: Hey Juan, you work at the Peebles on Hoosick st in Troy
Juan:Se' SeΓ±or, but only till I get my food stamps, then Im retiring
John: The Peebles Department Store (Troy NY).
John: You have fleas jumping off you.

Juan: Se' SeΓ±or.

by SouthTroyCore January 18, 2014

5πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž