Evolution is the hypothetical theory or joke that everything came into existence (the earth, 4.5 billion years ago) through natural processes over an elongated duration without any logical evidence. Likewise, according to the secular view, evolution is presumed “science” in education, but is nothing more than another heretical religion demoting the Evangelical truth of God’s creation with diluvial scripture aligning physical evidence to the Biblical creation.
1. True Evolution is merely a theory derived by sinful human error.
2. Evolution is scientific heresy, teaching fictional stories on the account of human error.
3. Evolution demotes the Evangelical truth as it is full of error.
4. Evolution is illogical and “secular scientists” are biased in their own beliefs, ignoring living mammoth tissue and dinosaur blood.
5. Evolution is not a science, but the science of heresy.
6. Evolution is humanity’s greatest joke.