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A rebuttle/counter-argument which denies relevant facts despite their irrufutability. Characterized by the conspicuous absence of facts and generally puts the other person in a position they are not comfortable arguing.

Trump logic may beg an unprofessional question to be asked (or may lead to the defamation of his character; Accordingly, Trump logic effectively discredits its target or ends the conversation).

Journalist: You were recorded talking about grabbing women by their pussies. Can the American people trust you to respect women and their rights?
Trump: "Listen, nobody respects women more than I do. NOBODY."

Journalist: "What is your position on climate change?"
Trump: "We just can't know for sure that humans are responsible for the changes in weather - or even if there are any changes. Top scientists have shown me cutting edge research, you better believe it."

Journalist: "You won't release your tax documents, your companies have gone through multiple bankruptcies, and you were only able to start your company because your father gave you a 7-figure loan. What makes you 'an exceptional businessman?'"
Trump: "I got a very modest loan - which I repaid in just a couple years - and turned it into bie-yons of dollars."
Journalist: "You have not given us any proof that your assets are worth billions. And if your company really does have billions in assets, does your company also have billions in liabilities?
Trump: "I would not he running for president if my company was failing."

Mom: "You smell like smoke and I found a lighter in your pocket yesterday when I did your laundry. Are you smoking cigarettes??"
Kid: "NO mom - Dad died from lung cancer, I would never risk my life to smoke. Nobody respects their body more than me. NOBODY."
Mom: "YOU WILL NOT use Trumplogic while you live under my roof. You are my son and I do not have to tolerate that kind of bullshit."

by mduchonie1 January 14, 2017

190👍 5👎



A: Oh shit, did you hear what Trump said during the debate last name?
B: No, do I want to?
A: Just typical TrumpLogic.
B: Please kill me now. This generation blows.

by nic.alicious September 17, 2015

77👍 13👎


An increasingly popular non sequitur that describes the absolutely obscene absence of logic that comes spilling out of the mouths of MAGA Heads.

Doing away with the Constitution is a perfect example of trumplogic.

by Dr Bunnygirl December 5, 2022

1👍 1👎