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Trump Recovery Syndrome

A phenomenon whereby individuals who were triggered by President Trump, go through a series of stages before finally calming down and feeling peace. This is entirely natural after 4+ years of his anxiety-provoking madness. The nervous system has to re-calibrate. Our habitual range of e-motion has to return to healthier parameters. Those stages may include deep sleep, hyper-vigilance, spontaneous joy, intermittent rage, feelings of boredom, generalized anxiety, a persistent need to check media, a hunger for intensity, pendulating between emotional armor and moments of surrender. It is very similar to one’s experience of reality after any abuser leaves their life. It takes real time to integrate the fact that they are gone, particularly in the case of a malignant-narcissist who has a perpetual need for attention. Anyone suffering from TRS will benefit from a patient approach to their recovery. Trump hit many buttons, and it will take time before your nervous system can regulate. - Jeff Brown

Hey Dude, don't be pushing on me that Q-ANON nonsense about the election being stolen. I am still traumatized and going through Trump Recovery Syndrome.

by LaughingAloud January 25, 2021

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