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The version of feminism exhibited by Donald J. Trump, characterized by holding and fiercely defending contradicting attitudes towards women with no regard for his own past precedents. Specific tenets are
1. continually rating and quantifying women and making his evaluations publicly known
2. believing that, despite offending them, he will win women voters "just because"
3. saying, in all seriousness "Nobody has more respect for women than me.", while simultaneously:

i constantly mansplaining

ii bragging about his own acts of sexual assault

iii facing a trial for the accused rape of a 13 year old child

iv being involved in debates on public media defending his misogynistic comments and actions

v victim-blaming the women accusing him of sexual assault by suggesting they only want fame

vi never exhibiting remorse

Donald Trump displayed fierce Trumpenism by believing that people would be swayed by his pathetic apology for his lewd comments in the past.

by Peter Nickeleater October 20, 2016

8👍 16👎


A noun used to describe when Republic presidential candidate Donald Trump eventually takes control of the entire planet. Leading to mass suicides across the human race. Eventually leading to the end of society and extinction of all life as we know it.

"Nothing can save us... the Trumpening has already begun."

by Bry P. June 12, 2016

18👍 57👎