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Alternative title for President Trump, one of the greatest propounders of stupid bullshit the world's ever seen.

Nobody trumpets stupid, stupid bullshit like him. Believe it, nobody. It's unpresidented. Sad!

A: So, our president just tweeted again...
B: What's the Trumpet-in-chief come out with this time, or do I not want to know?

A: Would you look at that, our Trumpet-in-chief just managed to say something self-contradictory AND hypocritical, and in the space of only two sentences! Impressive even by his standards!
B: Damn man, give a guy a break already! Being informed about a topic like immigration, and able to talk about it without sounding like a blathering, inconsistent idiot can't be easy you know- he's only the president after all!

by Charlemagne1993 September 14, 2017