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Tsimfuckis (Justin Tsimbidis)

Tsimfuckis was an early youtuber, back in 2009, who became popular for his covers of rap songs. He suffers with Progeria, a condition that makes you age rapidly, and his unusual appearance alongside his kick-ass, no-bull attitude won him fans online. His youtube channel was closed down and for years afterwards people assumed he had died, as the average life expectancy of a person with Progeria is only 13 years. Rumours spread from /b/ that he had committed suicide, but this was not true.

He can still be found on instagram, where he posted about his life and interests, including music and a large funko pop collection- however, he stopped posting in May 2022 shortly after his 29th birthday, a huge milestone. His condition now is unknown.

"hey... you remember Tsimfuckis (Justin Tsimbidis)? What's he up to these days?"

by DeepFriedFrog'sLegs November 13, 2022