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Tsitsi: Tsi-Tsi comes from Greek origin.

1: Tsitsi means whoopsie/oops it can be used to describe a small mistake in the moment.
“I dropped off the bags at the wrong address , Tsitsi” It can also be followed by a shrug or two hands up like you’ve made a simple mistake.

2: Tsitsi can also be used to calm someone or something down. For example “I am freaking out over this math test I’m gonna fail out of the class.” Friend responds “Tsitsi Tsitsi Tsitsi, it’s all gonna be ok just breath”. This can be accompanied by two hands calming the person down.

“ I dropped off the bags at the wrong adress, Tsitsi”

“I am freaking out over this math test I’m gonna fail out of the class” Friend responds “Tsitsi Tsitsi Tsitsi, it’s all gonna be ok just breath” accompanied by a calming hand gesture.

by Stefanos T September 13, 2023


Now this here is a name for the baddest bitch out there. (its just one and she's mine haha). Tsitsi is unsurprisingly self centered, egocentric, selfish, full of herself, stubborn, big headed and would appear incapable of removing her head from her own rather voluptuous ass. But in truth she's only that way coz she knows she is undeserving of the mediocrity the world (and you) has to offer. She knows she is the poster child of excellence. She can't help but not give a fuck about ya'll salty cray wannabes. Secretly she laughs about ya'll naive people who think they competing with her, you all just entertainment to her.

Tsitsi's leftovers are way too good for you. Can i have some?

by theannoyingbruce October 22, 2016

22👍 64👎