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Tute Screw

Shortened version for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Screw.

A screw that has threads that go both ways. No matter which way you turn it, always goes farther up your ass. It is a way to represents how RPI makes life unnecessarily difficult for RPI students.

Every RPI student has been 'tute screwed at least once or has only been on campus a few weeks.

You are required to register for two different classes, but they are held at the same. Both are required prerequisites for other courses that you also have to take. Congratulations; you've been tute screwed.

The course catalog for your curriculum lays out required, restricted-required and suggested optional classes that total to 123 credits, but you need 124 to graduate. You're on track to be one credit short of graduation, but you don't discover this until your second semester senior year. And not once, did any of the professors or your academic adviser ever point that out during the previous seven semesters in which you were enrolled at RPI. Congratulations; you've been tute screwed.

The Board of Trustees promises that hikes in parking fees will be used to improve and expand parking lots. Shortly after paying for the privilege of parking, the Trustees change their mind and use the fees to plug general budget deficits. Now, assuming you can find a parking spot, you risk damage to your car because of the pot holes that weren't filled. Congratulations; you've been tute screwed.

After you graduate, RPI sends you a diploma if your debts to them are satisfied. After you get the diploma, RPI sends you bills for debts they claim you owe. While you defend yourself against these bills, their fund raisers constantly telephone you looking for donations. They don't see the irony in this. Congratulations; you've been tute screwed.

by RPI alumnus. February 19, 2011

130👍 4👎

Tute Screw

Short for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Screw - A screw that goes in no matter which way you turn it. Every student who has ever gone to RPI has felt its effects once (usually more than once).

Bend over, here comes the `Tute Screw once again!

by Highlander September 19, 2003

78👍 14👎