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one who is of the hipster variety, uses words like eloquent grunts of superiority.

wow what a twah! or "I eat a strictly vegan diieet." (last word exaggerated)

by kidinthehall January 9, 2011

56👍 14👎


1.a word that expresses any random expressions or thought
2.a common word that can be used to substitute for any word
u want; kinda for stupid people who dont noe a lot of
vocab and cant think of the right word so they just say
3.a fun word to say wenever u want

u wanna come over and have a band practice,(twah)
hey!,(twah) lets go throw a smoke bomb in the school yard!
im gonna kill u, (twah)
if u dont noe wat twah means, ur an ignorant asshole, suck on twah

by zildjian March 12, 2007

13👍 53👎


can be used instead of "too"
or can be used if you are the third person saying "too"

Joe: "Who wants pizza?"
Jane: "Me!"
Jack: "Me too!"
Jill: "Me Twah!"

by Chris West July 31, 2005

9👍 55👎


Exclatory; Can be used several different ways.

1. Exclamatory; Wow
2. Greeting; Hey, Hello, Yo
4. Fairwell; See ya, Buh Bye
5. Randomness; Toaster, Folding chair

Any twaH where the H is not capatalized and all other letters are lowercase is not of the same defiition, nor is it really a word.

An official word of DDRNWI

Nate stubed his toe: twaH!

Hey trenT, twaH!

d00d, DDRNWI, twaH!

by Nate Sexton March 5, 2004

11👍 52👎

shibbity twah

An expression used to express one's joy,laid-backedness, boredom or anger.

(see "shibby")

"Dude I just kicked ur ass!"
"Shibbity Twah"

by steeve September 26, 2003

5👍 4👎

Sheh twah

A portable ice cream scoop that doubles as a short stop for Baseball

I am going to have to see an I.D. before I can give you this bathroom key.

by OmnuNero August 4, 2004

2👍 2👎

twah twah

"Seeya" but in a elegent way.

jeff: Bye bruce!
Jonny: twah twah ttyl seeya

by Teando Applewhite February 13, 2018