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An extremely overly paranoid individual usuallly high on meth or some other type of stimulant...the person is usuallyvery high strung and easily distracted by most anything.

Man, stop being a tweaker andshard farming there isn't any dope in the carpet i vaccumed..

by N9NA 9MILLAMETA July 19, 2015

751πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


A tweeker is some one who uses meth to stay up for many days.

tweaker -if you are up for 14 days you are a "two weeker".

by Lvingdedgrlinphx May 27, 2015

268πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


Also: tweeker.

1. Person who constantly stays up cleaning, washing, organizing, powertooling, sorting or otherwise keeping themself busy doing menial tasks.
2. Someone who constantly makes slight alterations on (usually a very specific) object, i.e. computer, software, automobile, etc.
3. A compulsive liar, thief, or both.
4. A methamphetamine ("tweak"), or other form of speed, addict (who displays all of the above in an obsessive-compulsive manner).

"Tommy what are you doin' man?"
"I've been real busy sorting bolts!"
"For three days?"
"It's important though..."

What's the difference between a crackhead and a tweaker?
The crackhead will steal your shit and bounce--the tweaker will steal your shit and then help you look for it.

by A New STD February 12, 2005

3003πŸ‘ 864πŸ‘Ž


A tweaker is someone high as fuck on crystal meth. Tweakers can have sex with their partners for days at a time. They love to clean, organize, pace, etc. Tweakers can never sit still and can only focus on one thing at a time.

That tweaker has been fucking her for 10 hours straight.

by I Love Meth October 15, 2013

372πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


An individual who uses methamphetamine and enjoys tinkering with clocks, cars, electronics, organizing junk or just coloring a picture. They are extremely meticulous and can be easily identified by a headlamp or flashlight which is inclusive to the tweaker culture. Can usually be found in the company of shadow folk.

The tweaker moved with ninja like percission across the parking lot of his local Walmart.

by LilBunny516 January 15, 2018

109πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A fascinating being indeed. Mainly nocturnal creatures, although some have evolved into Day-Walkers. They emerge from hiding from your Cousin's shed out back when the sunsets to pillage for supplies. You can usually identify one of these Cro-magnon humans by their lack of front teeth, entire bodies covered in sores and scabs, and missing minimum 1 digit on either hand. Forget rational communication with these things. They stammer with unintelligible rhetoric that usually relates to Seth Rollins being their favorite WWE wrestler, the one time They had to β€œbitch” slap their step dad or finally...they are at the local corner store walking around aimlessly in the parking lot.

Tweakers are among the most resilient animals known, with individual species able to survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms, such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation.

They can get by with out nourishment and sustenance for extended amounts of time provided Crystal Meth is in abundance. Some of these have learned basic chemistry skills in order to only blow up the house around the corner from your children's school.

The highest concentrated population of Tweakers resides in the friendly community of Wood River, Illinois. A refining town in the midwest 20 miles from St. Louis, Missouri.

Bill- What was all that commotion and ruckus down at the Rocket Shop?

Ted- A tweaker doused himself and his girlfriend in gasoline and set themselves ablaze.

Bill- oh. Sounds about right....

by UnbiasedHater19 July 25, 2019

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


People who are paranoid, delusional, uneducated, and covered with oozing chemical scabs and ulcers due to the acute abuse of methamphetamine. They eventually eat scabs from one another that contain the meth that their body can't dispose of, just to catch a cheap thrill. MMMMM....MMMMMMMMM!!!

I called the DEA the other day on those tweakers down the street.

by running out of patience December 14, 2007

944πŸ‘ 434πŸ‘Ž