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Twin flame energy

Only this morning attempting to meditate and unclick the unclickable .. and realised and also the reason for my blocks in a sense, what was released can’t find its way

Person this aimed at will know what I mean

Twin flame energy …

I couldn’t handle it … too intense .. uncontrollable at times .. brutal .. creative in the extreme..

And there’s where I want wrong .. had somewhere to channel it before and without that …

Strangely feel this is to blame for a lot of things that happened since first lockdown .. which had a pretty strange timing all things considered …

As I said I couldn’t and sometimes (mostly) can’t deal with it … well I do but it takes a heavy toll I guess

And that’s why you write .. maybe you did write as before all this and meeting me … maybe it was purely to troll me .. maybe you know exactly what I’m saying …

Either way also explains why when I agree to work with spirit .. which you have to … if you want to .. why I was like drawn to energy .., that’s also before of the questions I found my self left with and that’s the clever part where my soul is concerned ..

Knows exactly that I’d unearth the reasons as not knowing is worse than the rest of it combined …

Don’t expect many to understand this but then again I didn’t expect to reply to anyone except the person I thought (or maybe not the person I thought) was clearly referencing my good self ..

And yep some days there is a glimmer of hour left … not much .. more of a shadow of young carefree me

Twin flame energy .. lol .. I wonder what the upside of that is actually like ..

Or if it isn’t totally soul sucked away by the .. wonderful beings that surround us ..

by LetsTalkAboutX January 30, 2023

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