A moment where an insignificant tweet overwhelms the minds of chronically online, self-indulged individuals causing to act in an unsophisticated, hostile manner (i.e. like a Twitta). Twitta moments are unpredictable, but they all end up bad! If they had their own category, Twitta moments would be the main leading source of toxicity with internet users followed by Reddit moments and Tumblr moments. It's a fact!
Some user *posts a satirical joke*
*1 minute later*
Twitter User: “Stop posting cringe, twitta!”
Another Twitter User: “Ey, ey what you say, twitta?”
The User who made the joke: “Oh no, here comes a Twitta moment!”
More Twittas: "What did you say, bitch twitta?!"
"Ey, that's racist, twitta!"
*The tweet starts blowing out of proportion after a few minutes until...*
Now let's see what a Twitta moment looks like outside of the internet.
Person: *wears anime shirt*
Twitta: "Stop wearing cringe, bitch!"
Person: "What did you... wait a minute..."
"I touch grass!" *laughs and walks away*
Twitta: "Where you goin'? Don't you ignore me! This is a perfectly good moment to throw your life away!"