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Laid Up

To lay in bed with your lover many hours after you've woken up. It is a very pleasurable, very romantic state to be in. This time is usually used to talk, kiss, make love, watch tv, or drift in and out of sleep.

We extended our checkout because we were laid up all morning.

by Lucas McKenzie July 31, 2010

2819๐Ÿ‘ 492๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laid Up

a state of near-somnolence, generally requiring a cushioned surface at least 2ft. tall and the covering afforded by your oldest blanket (which I hope you have a name for; mines called the Nana) of all exposed body parts, with the exception of your face, the eyes therein soon to be filled with whatevers on the Telly. This behavior will manifest either post-work, finals, hangover, sickness and subsequent convalescence. While one can by all means be laid up in a bed, the couch affords a more beneficent vantage of the ebb and flow of roommates and friends. Nonetheless, he or she who is laid up will often be immobile and even those most affectionate are wont to shun your touch. Pretty much synonymous with Stove Up, the latter with connotations of multiple SLEEPING individuals all laid up in a room of bunkbeds, also it is more likely when you see this usage that EtOH had a hand in the precipitation of their obtunded state.

Calling home on way home 15 mi from work:

"Hey Millah Scrillah, whats Mel doing??"
"Oh, she just got back, shes laid up on the couch watching Six Feet Under."
"Niceness, be there in 5."

by clark lander smith February 15, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laid up

To lay in bed with your lover many hours after you've woken up. It is a very pleasurable, very romantic state to be in. This time is usually used to talk, kiss, make love, watch tv, or drift in and out of sleep.

We extended our checkout because we were laid up all morning.

by diiorlanaeee._ August 19, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

get laid up

The term "get laid up" basically just means chilling, cuddling, and vibing wit your significant other.

Him: "You tryna get laid up later?"
Her: "I'm down."

by drakesucks November 30, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

laid up in the cut

a slang term used to communicate between 2 or more people that one has been fornicating with a female

mike: dude where you been?

john: o just laid up in the cut.

mike: was it very bloody?

john naw it was dressed.

by jackie knoff October 26, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laid Up

Itโ€™s a phrase thatโ€™s used to describe when youโ€™re temporarily out of action due to illness or injury or a disability.

Basically itโ€™s a stste of being disabled or being forced to lay low, again because of sickness or injury & youโ€™re either in the hospital or confined to your bed at home.

โ€œHey man! Howโ€™s your brother?โ€ โ€œYo, heโ€™s laid up in the hospital.โ€ โ€œWHAT?! What happened?โ€ โ€œCar accident man.โ€ โ€œOh dude, sorry! Give him my best.โ€

by Big Antz December 29, 2023


When you are in your bed of choice and have ideas that are so prurient that you scare the daylights out of even the super nonconformists.

Look that ASSHOLE is so UP LAID that they are to be imprisoned in a PRISM of corporate (body) monopolism but we can DRIP and tell HALSEY about it.

by PEDOPHILE SANDBOX August 19, 2021