A programmer's joke meaning you should read the source code. It is also a Star Wars themed pun on Obi-Wan Kenobi's "Use the Force, Luke!"
A long form of this is Use the Source, Luke.
Bob just asked me what the program does if the file already exists. I said what I usually say: UTSL
Under the speed limit, meaning you’re slow as fck but in a nice way tho but the person won’t know the meaning behind it….SHOWS YOUR POINT
Tom: hey, what’s color is blue?
Siren: black??
Tom: you’re utsl (under the speed limit)
Siren: what that??
(under the speed limit) saying someone is a ass/slow but in kind way
Bro1: yo if 2+3 is 5 then what is 3+2??
Bro2: damn bro you're utsl(under the speed limit)