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'Ugo'; Igbo for Eagle, Wealth and a host of other things is strong. Usually the pride of the family. Possesses leadership qualities. Ugo is adventurous, a goal getter and strong willed.

Nothing limits Ugo.

by Okrr! February 5, 2020

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Irresistable. He is attractive by the way he shows confidence. He's mysterious, doesn't open up quickly. He'll let you discover him little by little. Someone that is down to earth. Loves nature. Bold. Yet has a sweetness and an incredible fun and playfull side. His wall is up. Acts unavailable... yet its just a front he puts up. If you can see past his reserved nature - you find a kind hearted guy that's just afraid of finding love again in fear of getting hurt.

*Let his heart find its way to yours ;)

Ugo! Jle comprends pas! ;)

by Jolie D. ;) haha February 6, 2010

192πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


N. (Ugg-Oh)

A person who is of overwhelming ugliness. An Uggo is normally also stupid, but it is not vital.

One : Whoa, that guy's head is all weird lookin'!
Two : Yeah, what a total Ugo!

by Matthew "Get Out Of My Base" Walker March 23, 2006

186πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž



Look at that lil UGO with Beyonce

by SolangeFan101 November 19, 2019


Its is a term used to describe specifically girls aged 14-18, its is calling them ugly in an extremely comic fashion. But most of the time they dont understand what it meens.

Nat: Yeh that ginger girls a right Ugo
Chris: Ugo?
Ginger girl: whats that?
Chris: I dunno Nat said it.
Nat:errr...umm everyone with a fanny's gotto leave now

by Luke Harris August 7, 2006

78πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


She is sexy πŸ₯΅ and she shows confidence. At first she’s really awkward but when you get to know her, she’s really loud. She’ll let you discover her little by little. Shes very intelligent and loves food. Rude at first. Yet has a sweetness and an incredible fun and playfull side. Her wall is up. Acts unapproachable yet its just a front she puts up. If you can get past her past her wall you’ll find a kind girl that's just afraid of finding love again in fear of getting hurt.

Ugo is so rude but when you get to know her she’ll open up.

by anonymous199867 February 16, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Ugo, is known as a player. He will tell you what you want to hear in order to get his way. Be carefull you not fall in his trap.

Can you beleive Ugo dated more then 6 girls at a time!! What a selfish Prick!!!

by Karma what goes around.... April 11, 2010

29πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž