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Universal Human Relevance System. Only part of the site known as Clickworker where you can make any money. Once the much better and higher-paying version of MTurk, the horrific site run by Amazon where they pay you exactly two cents to outline a license plate that will take you twenty minutes.

Since the site's been flooded by more online workers, some of the quality of the hits has since gone down. Known frustrating errors include: hits with unfair spam checks, hits with no spam checks at all, impossible hits, oddly easy hits, confusing hits, and ACTUALLY GOOD HI - oh no, you blinked! It's gone in ten-and-a-half seconds mysteriously!
However, that won't stop desperate young people like this author from pursuing them herself.

Poor Millennial At Home: Hey! Did you see that new hit on UHRS today called Question-Answering-Duplicate-Relevance-Query? It pays EIGHT cents a hit!
Poor Millennial's Friend: Yeah, but it's broken. There are unfair spam checks.
Poor Millennial At Home: Damn. Well, I'll work on it anyway, report it, and then get banned. Maybe the nonexistent team who receives these reports will be back from their five-year break at the vending machine.

by user_1997 July 17, 2017

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A house like structure that resembles a box which is deteriorating unusually fast.

Nashey: “Hey have you seen Alex’s uhr”
Callum “unfortunately”
Alexander “yes I’ve seen it, it’s painful to look at”

by bossboyc1 November 6, 2022

4 Uhr

The Time mentioned in a german saying: "Kein Bier vor 4" which ruoghly translates to: "no beer before 4 pm" although the argument needs to be made, that to this day noone can be sure wether the 4 translates to the time or the age of 4

3:30 pm:
A: Hey what are you doing there?
B: Opening a beer?!?
A: Wait,now is not the time for that, you know the German saying: "Kein Bier vor 4"!
B: Wait you don't know another German saying: "Vor 4 Uhr ist nach 4 Uhr"!
Beer: *OPENS*

by MettwurstMaik January 15, 2021

luca uhr

someone who is controlling ,annoying , and over all not a good friend

shut up logan your being a luca uhr

by logan gog May 13, 2020

uhr drifting

The act of drifting inbetween clans or crews on multiplayer games. Also skilled butsuckers to leaders of said groups.

That last player was Uhr drifting all day, I killed him on sight just because I didn't know what side he was on.

by Cheese Trailer January 29, 2014

Buckfast pronounced (Li-vuher Fahil-uhre)

The national beverage of Northern Ireland that will make you want to rip your eyes out after a 10-glass.
'The Craigavon Challenge'- See how many litres you can drink (via funnel) in an hour then either whitey, pass out, or sing some Loyalist songs. Happy days.

"Giza swallae a yur fuckin buckfast mucker?"

"Buckfast pronounced (Li-vuher Fahil-uhre)"

by rodgethedodge October 13, 2008

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Another word for “I’m too Stoned to drive.”

Guy 1: We need to go get ice cream.
Guy 2: But dude, Uhr.
Guy 1: Mm that’s cool, wait what the fuck is Uhr?
Guy 2: I don’t know (laughs obnoxiously)

by Tommy Ice September 24, 2020