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Ulena, sassy, kind and doesn’t know her real beauty and denies the fact that she is beautiful. She says she’s poop but she’s really the shit. She thinks the whole world is against her when really it is rooting for her. She says that she hates you but only if she loves you.

Person one: who’s the best person you know?
Person two: Ulena, for sure

by KentuckyFriedOreos May 18, 2019


Ulena is a sassy friend that you will love the moment you meet her. She has got style to the top. She thinks badly about herself but really she is the most amazing girl I have ever met. She dose say she is a poop but we all know that she is at a unicorn poop at the least. (And she hates most girly things so unicorn poop fits well)

Person 1: have you seen Ulena to day!?
Person 2: Ya she is stylish as always.

by Kentucky fried Oreos May 25, 2019