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1. Totally awesome.

2. Shady, super sketch.

3. Legit.

4. Trendy, but pretentious.

1. Dude, that movie last night was so umbrageous.

2. Don't go to the corner store, it's pretty umbrageous.

3. You wrestled a lion? That's umbrageous!

4. She always looks great, but I hear she's an umbrageous bitch.

by Cranberry with numbers February 17, 2011

2👍 5👎


A deeply cutting contumely or affront wherein the subject finds him or herself unjustly offended and/or indignant.

I wish to speak to Gerard! These chicken wings are bush league! I take umbrage with the brobdignanian proportions of this bill!

by Jimmy Ol Arrowleg May 11, 2008

23👍 15👎