Being under the influence of Charlie Sheen
Friend 1- Here dude you drive I drank too much.
Friend 2- Man no. Its like the car just -just cant handle me. If i were to get in that car and attempt to drive it the world would implode. Its just like that. Thats life
Friend 3- He's under the sheen. Lock him in a padded room
and we can wait to see if its reversible.
Person- That is so bitchin'
Cop- Sir, have you had anything to drink tonight? Im gonna need for you to breath into this.
Man- No i cant. Do you know what my breath would do if i breathed on that thing? It would probably kill you and all of your family. And maybe even every single person in the world.
Cop- Im gonna give you a ticket for being under the sheen, and then take you to an insane asylum.