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United States Obsession

Is the term of a condition, used to describe a group of Non-Americans, with bias opinions, who are obsessed with talking about the United States of America.

1. Many of these people have never even been to the United States, and get most of their information from Youtube, The Sun Newspaper or via their Uncle Harry who spent a two hour layover in JFK on his way to Toronto.

2. It can be said, that most of these people are losers with no lives, that spend way too much time developing opinions on topics which they know jack shit about.

3. Whether these people know it or not, Americans could give a rats ass, if they like them or not. Which actually leads to why these people don't like the USA in the first place. But on the contrary, Americans don't give a shit anyway, so in reality, it doesn't matter.

4. This group of people always over looks all the good the United States does for the world-

*See the Polio Vaccine, AIDS research, Cancer research, McDonald's, World's first successful airplane, Ketchup, First lunar landing, Garth Brooks*

-and focuses more so on the bad. But this is alright in an American's eyes; see number three.

5. The Iraq war seems to be a hot topic among this group. They can spend hours, upon hours discussing how the United States started an unjust war. Whether they know it or not, most Americans agree with them on this subject, so no one really understands why they spend hours upon hours discussing a topic where the Americans agree with them anyway. So its a complete fucking mystery as to why an Anti-American would be agreeing with an actual American; see reason number two for explanation.

Person 1: The United States is filled with nothing but Fat People, who eat cheeseburgers all day.

Person2: And you know this how?

Person 1: I saw it on Telly.

Person2: Right.....

Person 3: All Americans are stupid.

Person 4: You do know that a lot of Medical innovations, and life changing inventions, were made in the United States?

Person 3. That doesn't matter. They invaded Iraq under false pretenses.

Person 4: What does that have to do with Americans being stupid?

Person 3: It just does.

Person 4: Right.......

Person 5: Person 1, and 3 has an United States Obsession.

Person 1 and 3: No we don't!

Person 5: Right......

by NC_lover24 September 28, 2009

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