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University Place

University Place is a small town outside of Tacoma, Washington which hold the Chambers Bay Golf Course. Do not let it's size fool you for it is highly populated with the extremely rich, Asians, and old people. U.P (as it is known by most people) is home to the Curtis Vikings. Curtis is the high school most of Tacoma's expelled and troubled go, however the private school drop outs, and Lakewood "thugs" are also drawn to the overcrowded halls. The children of University place form very distinct cliques; Soccer Jocks, Rich Kids, Gated Community/Trust Fund "Gangsters", Laxers, Stoners, and the Anime Club kids. Automobiles that you may chance to see range from lexus to bmws, acuras to newer jettas. Brand names such as North Face, True Religion, and Ugg adorn most bodies, young and old. Face and Social status is a MUST in order to live here. From Chambers Creek to the Curran Apple Orchard, you can find late night pot heads. The one skate park is always packed on a sunny day as is green firs shopping center after school on week days. University Place is a must see on any snobs itinerary.

Oh, makes sense then. He's from University Place.

by ihatecurtis August 2, 2011

43👍 7👎

University Place

A quaint town in the outskirts of Tacoma, Washington. It is characterised as having nice new sidewalks, beaches, an apple orchard, and an egg.
University Place is home to the Curtis Vikings

Lets Head over to University Place and grab a bite at Green Firs.

by LNROSE December 23, 2008

43👍 14👎

west university place

a wealthy soccer mom neighborhood located in inner city houston close to rice university. also called "west university" or "west u." lots of yuppie families yielding a large number of children and teenagers. they have their own police force which makes its living busting underage drinkers or out of place minorities. a sweet ass place to live

Did you just see that Suburban run over that man?
Oh, probs just a mom from west university place, those bitches never see where they're going

by htownlova February 14, 2011

32👍 5👎

University Place, WA

Super gay town near Seattle Washington where creepy, pasty, gay white kids live. Often times the population of University Place will congregate at a certain "Philip Gardner's" home to take part in communal anal sex orgies. At such gatherings one can often overhear political conversations and occasional moans of "Mattia you're so big and Italian." Residents of University Place are also known to sleep under putrid green comforters that resemble oven mitts. One should never visit University place if you don't like anal sex, crystal light, little Italian men, and homosexual ogres. In the instance that you do have to pass through University Place, arm yourself with a bag of rubber bands for these are the only weakness of the citizens of this town of ass pirates and cum guzzlers.

"Phil Gardner lives in University Place, WA I wouldn't head there unless you want to have your anal virginity taken or your pink crystal light consumed"

by Joe the Gay Plumber April 22, 2010

6👍 31👎