A Malaysian animated television series produced by Les' Copaque Production, which features the life and adventures of the eponymous twin brothers in a fictional Malaysia.
Upin & Ipin is the best show ever.
A Malaysian Show, that Indonesian really like to watch
Upin Ipin
Hi Saya Upin dan ini adik saya Ipin
Hah Betul Betul Betul
4👍 1👎
Upin & Ipin is a Malaysian cartoon. They are two orphan twins taken care by their sister named Kak Ros and their grandma named Mak Uda (mostly called by Upin & Ipin as Opah). With their friends, they play and explore the whole village of Durian Runtuh.
A 10 year old : Weyh, jom tengok Upin & Ipin!
Person 2 : Oi aku dah tua dah, kenapa aku pulak nak tengok Upin & Ipin dengan kau..
A 10 year old : Sebab kena jugak