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Urban Biker

Those jerkoffs that ride around any major city, on a shity bike, with tight jeans,a back pack. They also always ride with traffic and you always almost hit them.

I almost hit another one of those god damn urban bikers.

by JMMoney October 21, 2006

12👍 12👎

Urban Biker

A name for someone who rides bikes as a main form of transportation. Not those 30 year old white people who bike for fun after work. Urban bikers are typically eco-anarchists as well.

Guy 1: I just got back from the store, it's only a 5 minute drive from my house, definitely not a useless drive.
Guy 2: Yeah for sure man!
Urban Biker: You could've just rode your bike, it's literally 10 minutes that way.
Guy 2: Shut up idiot, I'd prefer to sit in my car all day than be an urban biker!

by Aasta Paintmaasta September 26, 2023