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Urban Dictionary fail

A few years ago when this site was still new, you could submit a word and be able to have your word reviewed by editiors and you would know whether your word was accepted in a matter of minutes. Also, there was a chatroom in editing and you had many more words to edit.

Now it takes forever to get your words on this site. People post videos to explain words. (wtf?!) They only give you like 5-10 words at a time to edit. They took away our chat room in the editing room. This site has changed.

Barb: I submitted a word to Urban Dictionary last night. It should have been on here by now.

Cris: A few years ago, your word would have been on the site by now. But now it takes forever so I'm not sure when your word will be on there. I haven't seen it yet.

Barb: That is such an Urban Dictionary fail!

Cris: Totally.

by PrincessL February 14, 2012

urban dictionary definition fail

When You provide a seemingly perfect definition to a word on urban dictionary and even do some thoughtful editing but it doesn't get published anyways. Usually a sign that you aren't clever enough or your definition is really, really dumb.

Dude: I thought I put the perfect definition for bad comedian on urban dictionary.

Friend: what did you put?

Dude: a person who catches rotten fruit on a stage for laughs. I thought it was clever.

Friend: did it get accepted?

Dude: nope...

Friend: sounds like an urban dictionary definition fail.

Dude: yep, an epic fail for sure.

Friend: maybe we should define that term!

Dude: I hope it gets accepted.

Friend: if it doesn't, we know what it would be called!!

by The Definer Dude from Space!! November 7, 2013