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Urban Encyclopedia

(n) an highly subjective Urban Dictionary entry that rambles on and on for several pages like a State of the Union address instead of being a concise definition appropriate for this website

For a great example of Urban Encyclopedia, refer to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

by fduck January 12, 2004

69👍 4👎

Urban Encyclopedia

A Wikia site that follows the same principle as the Urban Encyclopedia, and is essentially just using a different platform (which is the same platform as Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica)

I think the "urbanencyclopedia" can just be found in Wikia.

Did you put that whole theory about sexting on Urban Dictionary?

Oh no. The Dictionary is too concise for that. I think I'll put it on Urban Encyclopedia though...

by Urbanencyclopedia June 27, 2010

7👍 3👎

urban encyclopedia

a definition that is way too long and most likely has been copied straight from wikipedia or some other encyclopedia website. It'd probably be best to just not read it, give it a 'thumbs down' rating, and continue on browsing the site.

good example of an urban encyclopedia entry: Aryan.

by BlackPowder December 13, 2007

27👍 10👎

it's not urban encyclopedia

a phrase used by UD editors while reading 750 word definitions that never quite seem to finish.

after reading the def for "radical feminism," and realizing it took me almost half an hour to learn nothing, I said to myself "jesus freakin christ, it's not urban encyclopedia!"

by earpuller November 17, 2010

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