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Urban people

Black people, African Americans

Specifically black people from inner cities

β€œThere was so many urban people talking during the movie”

by Donnyj305 May 4, 2023

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Urban people

Black people

John: Brad just got shanked by some Urban people
Lizzy: For fuck sake always those freaking Urban people

by Popedmyowncherry May 30, 2023

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Urban people

a bunch of idiots

person 1 : Look at those urban people
person 2 : I know they're a bunch of idiots

by 696969perv May 3, 2021

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Urban People

These are people who live in a city.
Urban People generally are very smug about then selves, as if they are very smart and modern, however if they where to ever leave their cities, they probably couldn't last a day. Urban people will call anyone who lives in a rual or close to rual area a redneck.

Gansters, Buisseness People, & Douchebags are all Urban People

by Dr. Meh June 27, 2011

55πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Urban People

People who live in cities. Typically forward-thinking, educated, progressive individuals who are well versed in all things multicultural. Having grown up and lived their lives exposed to a wide variety of cultures, these people tend to be great listeners and love to be exposed to other ways of thinking.

Urban People do NOT enjoy traditional values as those values conform to a stationary mentality. Instead, they are progressive in all aspects of their lives. They wants to see the future be much different than the present (and MUCH different from the past) because they believe we, as a species, should be constantly learning from mistakes and progressing toward a more perfect tomorrow.

Typically disliked by rural conservatives.

β€œWell, that state is going to vote blue because the amount of urban people outnumbers the amount of rural people.”

by saintOFsaints May 12, 2021

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Dictionary of Urban People

A place where people, specifically residing in urban areas, can give things weird, inaccurate meanings.

The Dictionary of Urban People has the best definitions on the Internet as only people who pretend to be urban use it!

by pseudonimsj October 24, 2023