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UrbanDictionary War

Insulting each other with random words found on urban dictionary.

Zac: "katie just went for a beef walk"
Katie: "you are a fajero"
Hannah: "guys, stop having an urbandictionary war"

by hanzacate June 16, 2011

5👍 3👎

Indopak Youtube and Urbandictionary Wars

A passive, absolutely pointless war waged by complete losers without a life from either side of the border. THe sad part is their views are now seen as the 'dominant' views since they are more vocal about them. the sensible people obviously have better things to do than sit around abusing strangers under random youtube videos.
It is a direct result of illiteracy, intolerance and general stupidity now rampant on either side of the border.

Abusing each other's countries.
Actually finding the time to write offensive definations for each other's countries.
Indopak Youtube and Urbandictionary Wars prove that the subcontinent is full of the most resentful people alive, sadly.

by yetagain April 18, 2009

24👍 5👎