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Urban Dictionary Voters

The people, who are bored and have nothing better to do, that come to urban dictionary and decide to vote on multiple words. Many of them lack a sense of humor and quickly throw many of the words out and usually only accept sex innuendos or people's names describing how good they are at sex.

Charlie: I can't those fucking retards didn't accept my word!
Paul: I know man, Urban dictionary voters are terrible.

by LordoftheNinthCloud October 23, 2015

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Urban dictionary Voters

Bored individuals with sad lives that have nothing better to do with themselves. Can’t attract anyone because all they want to do is vote. Will probably not vote for this to go on the website because they are to sensitive for the truth.

Urban dictionary voters stay in their rooms.
May - I’ve never seen an urban dictionary voter,

John - that’s because they are in they’re room voting

by Nemmy August 30, 2019

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Urban Dictionary voters

People who decide what words go onto Urban Dictionary are predominantly young little grubs who dislike anything no matter how appropriate or great a word definition is. Obviously don't realise the effort some people go to writing a definition and probably these people don't have the brain capacity to come up.woth something useful whatsoever.

Those urban dictionary voters are such a miserable bunch. I wonder why they can't be helpful and accept some of these sexy definitions written by big studs like meself.

by buttockgrabber December 31, 2016

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Urban Dictionary Voter

n. Someone on Urban Dictionary who keeps clicking "Keep out" until he/she finds a funny word to bestow their judgement on

I hope the Urban Dictionary Voter Keeps this word.

by LordoftheNinthCloud October 13, 2015

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Urban Dictionary Voter

People which don't have a life (like myself)
Usually around the age 12-19
Often find childish name definitions, which plague this site and then votes "Keep out!"

"The urban dictionary voter often complains about name definitions."

by JaNoBillag January 29, 2018

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