A classic hypixel game that u can be vampire or human.
As a vampire: fuck all the humans into vampire then u won!!
As a human: fucking get away from trash minecrafter vampire and survive till u won!!!!
‘Fuck this luck! When can I be a vampire!!???’ ‘Omfg!!! Fucking diamond armoured human!!111!1!!1!!’ are common in vampireZ.
A: omfg!! My fucking luck is too god!!!! I FINALLY became a vampire in vampireZ!!1!1!1!!1
B: lol I’m fucking in diamond armour.
B have been killed by A and became a vampire.
A: ezpz!!!!!
An uruguyian Fraud called Puis Vampirez. Known for statpadding vs Relegation fodder and vanishing in important UCL KO games. Also known for biting three players and being a racist. The only way to scare the ugly creature is to turn on the UCL anthem.
Puis Vampirez ghosted again in an important UCL KO game