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AA Ventertainment

When the guy in the row in front of you can’t get his in-flight flick going.

“You should have seen it,” Belinda tells Jack when he picks her up at Sky Harbor. “This douche bag couldn't load Frida and threw a tantrum, ripping off his mask, throwing his phone and storming against the flight attendant.”
“That’s AA Ventertainment!” says Jack blithely. “It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Oh,” he adds. “Were there casualties?”

by Hifalutin! February 7, 2022

3👍 2👎


venting in an entertaining way

This is a portmanteau of vent + entertainment coined by an English teacher. Nobody wants to just hear complaining, but if you make it entertaining then people want to listen.

Person 1: I need a ventertainment session — my husband didn’t do ___ again!

Person 2: I love hearing your marriage ventertainment— it always makes me feel better about my own marriage.

Person 1: I’m glad I can be of service! And being able to vent keeps me from wanting to hurt him, so it’s a win/win.

Lewis Black is an excellent ventertainer.

by vibrant_tapestry August 6, 2018