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Vero Beach

A small city in east central Florida in a region known specifically as the Treasure Coast. Has a population of about 20,000.

The city and its surrounding environs can be divided into five different parts:

1. East Vero is characterized by sprawling subdivisions and over-priced track housing with some elements of poverty as well as middle-class homes. The mall and the surrounding businesses are by far the largest attractions this area provides.

2. Central Vero possess the downtown as well as middle-class and some poorer demograohics. Notable here is a small number of historic commercial and recreational buildings, city hall, and the county court house.

3. South Vero is very similar to Central Vero minus the downtown and there are more lower class citizenry.

4. North Vero/Gifford is likely to be one of the poorest and at the same time wealthiest areas of the county. Grand Harbor, an upscale community boasting hundreds of residents, borders a largely African American community with above average numbers of people living below the poverty line.

5. The Vero "Beach" is composed of mostly upper middle to upper class residents who live either in gated/ungated communities or inhabit the plethora of flamboyantly named streets. Despite the area being prone to hurricanes a recent boom in tourism and revenue has sparked renovations to parks and other facilities as well as an increase in expensive housing. This part of town likes to remain aloof of the "mainlanders".

Vero Beach, where dreams come to die.

by Lemon123 April 6, 2010

73πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Vero Beach

A creepy town where everyone is drugged up, 85 plus/on their way out. πŸ€‘ rich white trash, old money, and the rich for nefarious reasons coagulate on the beachside, completely ignoring extremely poor less than half a mile from them. Good ole boy system and big secrets in this dump. AKA: β€œHeaven’s Waiting Room”

The biggest disparity of income in the nation is in Vero Beach. β€œIf Robin Hood were looking to make his biggest moves this would be the place!”

by Disgusted w Vero Beach January 23, 2022

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Vero Beach

The gettoest place in florida. Filled with pot heads and crack heads. You a true nigga if you lived here!

I lived in Vero Beach, but now im in rehab.

by Hoe Poor July 11, 2008

75πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

vero beach

a town on South Florida's east coast. some parts are completely ghetto others are some of the richest places in Florida. Has a large private school, St. Edwards, planted right in the middle of the wealthiest part. The population there consists of many rich to rich-ish locals and some not-so-rich people who come from far away (me). Actually some of the best education in the area. absolutely NOTHING to do there after hours except burn to a cinder on one of the many, many beaches.

Guy 1: "Hey, why were you in Vero Beach?"
guy 2: "uh, I go to school there"
Guy 1: " and you left so soon after why?
guy 2: "because the only thing in the whole town after dark is a ride home"

by dumbass at large December 16, 2008

100πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

vero beach

a really shitty town in florida.
it's filled with whiny rich old people.
and pretty much everyone is ridiculously stupid.

there's nothing to do in vero beach.

by this personnnnn June 9, 2007

217πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

vero beach

A small town on east coast fl. its lack of things to do or places to go can make one depressing childhood. its separated into 3 parts:
1: redneck haven. nothing but florida wilderness and shitty houses and that one really shitty mall with not ONE decent shopping store in it. the only exception is the outlet mall, BUT it's the kind of place that only attracts the kind of people who live 30 minutes across town, described next.
2: rich old guys who are die hard surfers and never made it to california, so they married a yellow haired mom and decided to have kids at the age of 50. and own boats and love to fish, and all live on the island and raise their naive kids in a pretentious environment, aka st. eds(they think they're the best in the world because they are the best in vero beach. HAH talk about big fish in a tiny pond)..
3: the ghetto area. the more northern part of town filled with Martin Luther King Jr. boulevards, the worst public schools in florida (gifford, dodgertown), canals filled with garbage, and mexican trailer parks.

Real Estate Agent: There's no hope for vero beach. it's a rural dump now, and tomorrow, after enough people move up to get away from the pembroke pines 'every fukin building looks exactly the same' epidemic, this once potentially charming shit hole will get sucked in with the rest of south florida.

by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh August 16, 2008

95πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

vero beach

The most ghetto city in the world. It has the highest percentage of crack dealers as well as the highest percentage of crack using teens in the country. Al Queda is rampant throughout the streets, decapitating any who they encounter. Bombs are the chief industry in the country as well as suicide bombers. There are 367 blood gangs and 482 crip gangs and 617 ms13 gangs and 1,678,203 members of al queda living in this city. It's the ghetto.

Guy 1: So have you ever been to vero beach?
Terrorist: I lived there for 3 days

Guy 1 tragically died in a beheading related incident.

by OsamaBinVero April 26, 2008

71πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž