Viagra Remorse: When you take a Viagra in hopes of having hot sex, and a minute later something gets in the way (boyfriend, lover, room mate, relatives, work, ugly mis-matched-craigslist tricks, or you) that ruins; either intentional or unintentionaly , bumpin’ uglies. Then you have a boner for the evening and can’t/won’t do anything to relieve oneself. Then getting mad at wasting your last black market pill on such a undertaking.
A: Hey baby, I just popped my last little blue daddies’ lil’helper, so you are in trouble when you get here!
B: Didn’t you get my text? I told you that I had to get my boil lanced and she gave me something for that yeast infection.
A: Um...rigghhht, listen I think Im gonna sit this one out. (Sigh, Viagra Remorse again)
C: {libido} (sigh)
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