Pretty much the whole of fucking Drama Alert's YouTube channel.
Gnome: "Jump off a bridge!"
Etika (Rest in Peace <3): *Jumps off a bridge*
Keemstar: *Playing Victim*
Form of gaslighting where someone acts like the victim after wronging you. For instance, if someone ends up saying you're harassing them saying "you're sensitive" or "grow up". This form of manipulation causes a lot of damage in relationships and leads people to feel they are the "issue" after all. This behavior has been seen by entitled people mainly "Karen's" and "Chad's". In the end people who victim play do not take responsibility for initiating an issue and end up making you out to be the issue. They will commonly say things like "yes, but everyone is using skull emojis", etc. They have serious issues accepting responsibility for their actions of any sorts in society. They often call the police on people when they feel wronged or end up calling for "backup".
I punched you because everyone is mean. This is an example of victim playing.