Source Code

volcano taco

A very hot taco, sold at Taco Bell.

"I really like to eat volcano tacos."

by Jessiclaw January 2, 2008

58👍 12👎

volcano taco

a word used to describe a firecrotch(michelle Grages)

michelle grages is a volcano taco!!!!!

by someone in grafton May 14, 2009

47👍 18👎

volcano taco

an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of sexual contact, specifically pertaining to the female Vagina.

Stay away from that girl, she has a volcano taco.

by jeff avery January 20, 2008

22👍 20👎

Volcano Taco

Taco from taco bell that is really damn HOT!!

(made me sweat)

I ate the volcano taco and starting sweating and turning red while eating.

by Andrew Adams The Man Forever August 4, 2009

10👍 1👎


Is when you eating out a mexican because there pussy is hot like hot sause

Oh man i had a VOLCANO TACO last night

by sandersscotty February 24, 2009

12👍 7👎

Volcano Taco

A product made by taco bell that may also refer to redhead vaginas.

similar to "fire crotch"

"Eww, that girl has a straight up volcano taco!"

"Bro, let's go get some volcano tacos"

by Ethan Kazmerzak August 27, 2009

11👍 7👎

Volcano Taco

a girl on her period

ewwww i saw that girls volcano taco and it was nasty

by shelbyjaysm September 3, 2008

6👍 9👎