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We Haul Crap Anywhere is the tongue-in-cheek nickname given to itself by members of the White House Communications Agency to reference the physical labor involved in performing their duties. While publicly appearing as a glamorous high profile military organization WHCA members frequently have to load and unload thousands of pounds of gear for every travel mission.

While not confirmed, the origins almost certainly arise from the less than pleasant sights, sounds and smells from hotel loading docks and service elevators around the world.

Me, pushing a 200 pound box through a tiny access panel on the roof of a hotel because the elevator doesn't go up there: "Remind me again why we're doing this?"

Guy on roof, holding the box so it doesn't crush me: "We're WHCA..We Haul Crap Anywhere...remember?"

Me: "Oh yeah, that's right...I think my back just gave out again."

by robert3210 February 20, 2013

22👍 21👎


The White House Communications Agency (WHCA), originally known as the White House Signal Corps (WHSC) and then the White House Signal Detachment (WHSD), was officially formed by the United States Department of War on 25 March 1942 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The organization was created to provide normal and emergency communications requirements in support of the President. The organization provided mobile radio, Teletype, telephone and cryptographic aides in the White House and at "Shangri-La" (now known as Camp David).

The organizational mission was to provide a premier communication system that would enable the President to lead the nation effectively. As of July 29, 2011, the White House Communications Agency is commanded by Col. Clinton Bigger (United States Army) and the Agency's Senior Enlisted Service member is CSM Willie Clemmons (United States Army).

WHCA - The White House Communications Agency

by Operator 91 February 19, 2013

13👍 39👎

WHCA 2.0

A joint-military organization(except for Marines since they're good for nothing but stopping bullets) based in Washington, DC. WHCA has absolutely no idea how a military unit is supposed to be run and is slightly less organized then a boy scout jamboree. The chain of command is an almost non-existant entity in WHCA, unless you do something that might get you in trouble, then your leadership will magically appear to chew your ass and disappear just as fast.
The main goal of everyone in WHCA is try to make themselves look good, mainly by screwing you over at every chance they can. It looks good on your resume when you get out of the military, which most people do after being in whca for 4-5 years, because they can't stand the mindless, boring, and idiotic taskings that come out every day. You will probably lose your mind and consider physically harming those around you on almost a daily basis. There is no such thing in WHCA as a "day off" since even on your scheduled "days off" you will probably be called to come in to work so you can do some worthless paperwork, or to listen to someone lecture you on things they already sent to you in e-mails.
WHCA is also a great way to waste 4-5 years of life while feeling like you accomplished absolutely nothing and spending even less time with your family then you did when you were deployed.

I really hated spending time with my family so decided to join WHCA 2.0. Now I barely ever see them.

by I would rather be deployed February 19, 2013

17👍 13👎