Source Code

Who left

Your dad

‘Dad, who left to go to the shop for milk and never came back’

by Factz119 August 4, 2019

6👍 1👎

Who left the fridge open?

A random/funny way to comment on cold weather.
Its a quote from Tropic Thunder

"Wow it's really cold out here."
-"I know. Who left the fridge open?"

by whatdoesurchildDonow December 26, 2011

7👍 4👎

national kiss the person who sits left of you in math and history day

Yep January 13 is national kiss the person who sits left of you in math and history day

Hey why did you kiss me?
Well don't you know? It's January 13 and you sit left to me in math and history

Oh ok cool, I love national kiss the person who sits left of you in math and history day

by January 13, 2023

you are a worthless friendless faggot lipped piece of shit, who's mommy left daddy, when she figured out he wasn't eugene o neil, and is now crying and slobbering all over my drum set, like a fucking 9 year old girl

a quote from a based movie named whiplash
only based people will come upon this page.

"Are you gonna rush, or are you gonna drag, or are you gonna be on my time?!"
"I'm gonna be on your time.."
"My god, you are a worthless friendless faggot lipped piece of shit, who's mommy left daddy, when she figured out he wasn't eugene o neil, and is now crying and slobbering all over my drum set, like a fucking 9 year old girl"

by basedwhip February 15, 2023

31👍 10👎

Dad Who Left You

A poo poo who will never come back for the milk after i was born he left me and my 69 brothers they do 420 poos each day

Dad Who Left You is fun to play with "Fun to play with"

by dfjawevvwjrs December 2, 2021

Who left

Your mom

Some person: Hey! Who left thi
Me: Your mom

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian June 4, 2022