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slang terminology for "why did" or "why would"

Why'd you let me race with your car?

by Matthew Karagoz February 27, 2010

63👍 11👎

But for why'd

When you friends say something and your to busy to think of a real reason

That one friend -Can u help me with this

You -But for why'd

by For why'd March 2, 2021

why'd ya shoot me?

A remark most commonly used when someone gets shot.

*BANG* Why'd ya shoot me?

by Saturos November 8, 2003

37👍 8👎

why'd you leave the keys apon the table

The result of your best friend waking up after a bad drinking night and what he asks you before slapping you across the mouth

"Hey bro, why'd you leave the keys apon the table?" "Wha..." *SLAP*

by zidredz October 18, 2010

6👍 10👎

Why'd you kill that woman?

Because some idiot handed me a loaded gun you fucking retard.

A female retard "Why'd you kill that woman?"

Hym "Because they're the best ones to kill! It's so much more satisfying than killing a man! It's the only justice the world will ever know!"

by Hym Iam April 24, 2024