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An expulsion of air from the end of a penis. Usually happens when a novice gives a blow job and actually blows air into the penis.

Also used as an insult, suggesting that someone is a dick-fart.

I knew she didn't know what she was doing -- I wimpled for an hour after she blew me.

Dude, you're such a wimple. Go back to your closet and cry.

by Dharma Midget June 22, 2016

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An adjective used for anything that has a damaged joint, causing it to move oddly.

A)A person with a hurt ankle, walking around without crutches, has a wimple-leg.

B)I hurt my wrist, I have a wimple-hand now

by PerLemony January 13, 2009

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To suck your own sex organ. Much easier for men to achieve.

I need a safe space to wimple.

by Karaoke Samurai December 17, 2016

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A woman's ladyfolds or ladylips. Labia; the external part of female genitalia.

Martin went for a furkle in Joyce's wimple.

by MacAttack87 October 1, 2009

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A pet name for a rather petite spouse.

How are you doing my little wimple?

by JTwimpleton May 26, 2008

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The most dumbest-assed word any dumb ass can ever "make up". Usually used by a person who wants to be cool and make up their own slang but makes themself look like an ass instead. Any one who even thinks of uttering this word should be tossed face first out of an exploding airplane into a shark infested lava pit that's located inside a volcano - a volcano that is falling off of a cliff into a black hole that was formed in a galaxy infinity lightyears away from here.

Girl 1: damn girl that skirt is wimpled like shit

Girl 2: *tosses Girl 1 face first out of an exploding airplane into a shark infested lava pit that's located inside a volcano that is falling off of a cliff into a black hole that was formed in a galaxy infinity lightyears away from here*

by Dale Alvin Gribble April 14, 2010

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A group of people who are wimps

Hey you see that group of people? Yea they’re Wimplings.

by NickiMinajs kid May 1, 2021

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