A game where your social life goes to die, and then rot in hell. You cannot escape its grasp, and once you play, you will be addicted to it. After 4 months of grinding, you get bored and leave for 6 weeks. You then come back and are addicted again until your computer crashes.
Me: Iv'e been playing World of Tanks for 4 months straight now.
Friend: Wtf is that?
Me: Gtfo noob.
537๐ 50๐
A Free-to-Play (and not Pay-to-Win) MMO focused around... well, tanks. Red Orchestra meets World of Warcraft meets Battlefield 1942, in other words. Infamous for its bias towards Russian tanks, but otherwise a very original take on the Genre. Also has a large volume of Paper Panzers that didn't actually make production in real life. AKA "WoT"
World of Tanks proves to us that a nice 105mm round is way better than any greatsword.
193๐ 100๐
Free to Play shooter focused on tanks. Instead of controlling a human character you control a World War 2 tank. This game is NOT an MMO.
In the World of Tanks, you're going to need a better gun than that to hurt me!
42๐ 139๐
A online Tank game made by wargaming (greedy cunts) which used to be good until mid 2016 where the game because pay-to-win with tanks such as Skorpion G, Obj 252u/Defender, Chrystler K GF and Nameless. Now in world of tanks if you don't have a tier 8 PREMIUM tank or a PREMIUM account don't bother going past tier 6.
Veteran: Ah, I remember the good old days of World Of Tanks.
Newbie: fuck this game, now im bankrupt.
Veteran: Sucked in.
Wargaming: selling e-25 and pzIIj $150 each >:D
101๐ 8๐
The mobile version of World of Tanks (or WoT).
World of tanks blitz is available on mobile and steam, it is basically a smaller scale version of WoT without artillery (sky cancer). World of tanks blitz has much smaller maps, 7 v 7 which means a good player could change the outcome of the game, a physics engine that doesn't allow you to go upside down, not as much broken Russian tanks, has a noob friendly experience as there is little to no seal clubbing, has worse graphics (because it a mobile game) and is a very undemanding game.
The game is fun because its much faster paced than WoT or warthunder but has some pretty bad graphics when compared to these 2 games.
human: Im trying to get into world of tanks but i keep dying so quickly!
human 2: just try World of tanks blitz, its less complex
22๐ 4๐
A tanking game for PC, Android, and iOS. Crazy game where Wargaming gives tanks out of containers to Hog you money for shit tanks, when you shot a tank and and the bullet just disappears even though you see the bullet to hit the tank AKA ghost shells.
Droodles Blitz
Blitz With Muffin
WoTB Joe
World Of Tanks Blitz Official Channel
A mobile version of the PC game World of Tanks, in this game your aiming skills are dictated by a random number generator that regularly fucks your shots up especially when you're in a derp tank (tanks with a big cannon)
and no, Tiger 1 is still not invincible, grow tf up
it also has a wide variety of tanks (Premiums also, though i will appear below your bed and fuck you in the ass if you decide to buy high tier prems when you're just starting out)
"Duuuuude RNG keeps messing up my shots"
"L skill issue get good"
World of Tanks Blitz is a good game
9๐ 1๐