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Wow OK

A bland, repetative, yet very humorous comeback to any type insult directed at someone.

Usually used by adolescent boys from the 13-16 age group. Never gets old.

Jack: Dude, Jeffl you're a fucking faggot cunt fudge packing dumbass.
Jeffl: .......Wow OK

by Jackolanternfuck August 25, 2006

81πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Wow ok

-A word used whenever bc it’s kool
- mainly used by people named Anna Lee
- the children love using it too

Anna Lee look at this kool thing!
Wow ok

by Imurdadkiddos May 29, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Wow ok so I am really bored so I'm going to create an urban dictionary article for just this sentence

Cade got bored in environmental in 11th grade, so he made an urban dictionary article just for himself

"dumbass this can't work in a sentence Wow ok so I am really bored so I'm going to create an urban dictionary article for just this sentence "

by Swoooopy February 24, 2020

11πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž