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Noun: A caucasian person of female gender. This person has done so many drugs, both legal and illegal, that there are no definitions for some of them, even on this site.

Jesus christ, that wackycracka is convulsing; should we take her to the hospital?

by Killjoy June 15, 2004

3👍 2👎


1: A cracker, usualy of the saltine variety, whos sole purpose is to cut the roof of your mouth upon entry.
2: A woman with a nub arm and a serious razor scar on her coresponding leg.
3: The goddess of hooch. (See 'hooch' as hard alcohol.)

1: Boy I 'tell 'ya I was jus takin' a bite'a them dang 'ol peanut buttah on a cracka and den it just doom-boom-bang... dang 'ol... wackycracka.
2: I licked that wackycracka's stump of an arm and then i felt the sweet lady-bic scar on my thigh as i stuck it in and started wigglin!
3: And may the holy spirit Wackycracka bless these forties of Old-E that you lay down here before us and the wiskey shots that we chase them with.

by ebineesey June 15, 2004

3👍 4👎