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a place where most sluts from padstow and surrounding areas attend school, is also home to plently of skanks that take the bodmin girls boyfriends, and they say bodmins' scabby.. they drink in the middle of town, climb on top of post offices and vandalise the local parks and woods.

a good night out there will be sat in a run down hotel and getting so drunk you pass out in co op car park.

the children also have no respect for their parents and often steal alcohol swear and spit in their own homes. And due to the indecent lack of police in this town they get away with it.

wadebridge to eldery is an okay town from 12pm-2pm, after that the kids come out and they feel intimidated.

people who live in wadebridge are often refurred to as 'wadebridge sluts'

boy: 'fuck me look at that fat skank'
mate: 'shes probably from wadebridge'
boy: 'wadebridge slut'

by bantSmatE November 17, 2012

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