A great man who invented a wonderful characters like Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan and Mary Poppins. After he died the company made Disney Channel which makes Teeny-bopper crap like Hannah Montana and High School Musical. Those showswould ring Walt Disney to tears if he's still alive. Shame on you Disney Channel! You're rolling Walt's grave.
Before Walt Disney died, they made wonderful movies like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. After Walt Disney died they make a crappy movie named High School Musical which generated teenybopper fans. It's clear that there's a traitor from the Disney company who murdered Walt Disney just so that they could sell out The Walt Disney Company to the in-crowd aka the TRL crowd with the Disney Channel.
440๐ 99๐
Made a mouse invent the world's largest people trap.
350๐ 95๐
he was epic.
i just cant wait till they unfreeze him and then he can go into disney and see what a shit scam they are pulling on these pathetic t.v. shows and just fire the shit actors/actresses and the shit singers and all the crap.
Walt Disney: " jonas,cyrus,hudgens, your fired."
"get the hell out "
256๐ 99๐
n. the man that created mickey mouse and the animated feature film, and founded the world's largest media corporation.
n. Walt Disney (Corporation) the business that has aquired a multitude of other companies (ABC, ESPN, MIRAMAX, TouchStone Pictures) and is seen as heartless, and evil by many bible thumping idiots. they revenue approximately $22 billion USD per year
no examples needed.
126๐ 47๐
a mcdouble with three chicken nuggets in between with apple pie and a bit of sweet and sour all from mcdonalds if your feeling extra experimental a little Oreo mcflury as well.
the walt disney
12๐ 3๐
Walt Disney, the genius behind Disneyland, Mickey Mouse, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Pinnochio, and train lover. He was Jesus's gift to the world, and the hero of tens of thousands of people, including the person who wrote this.
He is NOT frozen.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." ~Walt Disney
"If you can dream it, you can do it." ~Walt Disney
58๐ 21๐
A great man. born 1902, in chicago. moved to a small town near kansas city. his first commission was a drawing of a horse to a certasin doctor sherwood. whan he started in animation, he started out with his older brother, roy.
He went through his life creating amazing characters that sparked the imagination. he was also an inventor. sadly, he died of lung cancer in 1966.
walt disney was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome.
65๐ 26๐